These policies are subject to change and updates will be posted on this page.
In-person rehearsals/events/performances
Bridging Voices rehearses and performs in-person, but reserves the right to pivot to virtual/remote rehearsals, events, and/or performances should the Board of Directors decide this is needed to protect the safety of our participants (including youth, employees, contractors, volunteers, and audience members). In the event that in-person gatherings are no longer supported by the CDC or by local, state, or federal government, we will function as a remote organization.
Symptom Checks
Participants who have symptoms Influenza (Flu), COVID-19 or other infectious diseases are not permitted to attend in-person Bridging Voices rehearsals and/or events and/or performances. Symptoms include any evidence of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, congestion, sneezing, new loss of taste/smell, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, fatigue, sore throat, muscle/body aches, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Note that symptoms of COVID-19 change with new variants and can vary depending on vaccination status.
Participants will complete a symptom check before admittance to all in-person rehearsals, events, and performances, and will be sent home if they are experiencing any of the above. All participants must be entirely symptom free without the aid of medicine for 48 hours before returning. We look to the full Bridging Voices community to help support us in keeping healthy and safe to the best extent possible and appreciate your support in doing this in this changing COVID-19 times.
Starting February 2023, Face masks are optional for Bridging Voices participants at in-person rehearsals, events, and performances.
Starting February 2023, Bridging Voices does not require proof of vaccination for any illness, but we strongly urge all participants to help protect the safety and wellness of our community by receiving up-to-date vaccination doses/boosters for all infectious diseases, and particularly for Influenza (Flu) and for COVID-19.
Updated January 30, 2023
Bridging Voices Board of Directors
Heidi Esbensen, Board Chair
Kate Rubick, Board Treasurer
Elliott Hinkle, Board Secretary
Ian Morton, Board Member
Isa Kellett, Board Member
Jade Rubick, Board Member
Maia Estes, Board Member
Pascal Tower, Board Member
DeReau Farrar, Artistic Director (ex-officio)